Bridge Builders Ministries, Rochester, NY
Ministries and Departments
The following represents potential areas for involvement
Ministries Available for Your Involvement
Bridge Builders offers ministries where you can get involved. Consider joining a team. Many are listed below. Click the "inquire" link to indicate your desire to communicate and learn about a particular team.
Praise & Worship

The word of God says "He is the only one worthy of our praise" (Psalm 18:3) and that we are called to praise Him, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6). Praise and Worship is a key component in establishing an atmosphere in which the ministry gifts operate during our services. Anointed praise and worship will bring the manifested presence of God, enabling ministers and congregants to flow with the Holy Spirit.

Multi Media
Psalms 19:4 prays for the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart be pleasing to God. This ministry is committed to cultivating communication (written, sound and visual) that assist in creating a quality atmosphere of worship during our services. The team maintains a strong partnership with the Worship Team and is also responsible for our external communication initiatives via the BBM website and social media streams.

Youth and Teen
Youth and Teen ministry provide opportunities that assist young people with coming into a relationship with Jesus Christ and exploring their purpose and destiny. A primary objective is to prepare them to be young ambassadors for Christ. They are taught practical biblical truths at the various stages of their development. Various activities are planned throughout the year to encourage their involvement.
The Discipleship Ministry is designed to assist new Christians understand and embrace their relationship with God. To assist them in knowing who they are in Christ, and to recognize the depth of God’s love for them. This may be facilitated through classroom instruction or one on one meetings.


All believers are called to share the “Gospel”, the Evangelism Team leads initiatives outside the walls of the church to strategically engage the community with the “Good News of the Gospel”. The team facilitates various initiatives including street walking and community evangelistic events as outreach to those that do not know Christ.

(Not Currently Active)
“Moving Forward to Better Health” brings a heightened level of awareness to the congregation concerning the pursuit of good health as a spiritual and physical matter. The team is committed to providing access to information, programs and physical fitness activities for the purpose of maintaining the healthy functioning of the body, mind, and spirit.
Office Administration
Office and Administration is responsible for supporting several key activities including scheduling of meetings and rooms, internal and external communications, monitoring inventory, ordering office and ministry supplies and handling of mail and telephone messages amongst others.